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Support Socialism - Save in Fiat

Your country needs you!

Your government has commissioned an exorbitant number studies, at great expense, to prove, beyond any reasonable bureaucratic doubt, that socialism is the way forward for this once great nation.

You must volunteer to support socialism, before we force you to. Save in fiat today.  
It is only through the continued support of the fiat collecting savers that your government can continue to grow beyond the limits enabled by taxation alone.

The benefits of saving in fiat are: 1) Help prevent price inflation by not spending fiat. The importance of hoarding fiat cannot be understated, and even more so as price inflation becomes apparent. 2) Help prevent tax increases. By surreptitiously supporting your government, blatant tax increases need not be imposed. 

We are in the midst of a currency war. Other nations are no longer supporting your government's growing overspend by collecting our fiat - it is now up to you.

Ask not what your currency emitter can do for you, but what you can do for your currency emitter.

If you do not take up the challenge, there will be only one option, and that is not to cut spending to limits of our current income - that would be disastrous for this country. We have made promises to the underprivileged, the highly privileged, and all our friends in between, and we must keep our promises.  No, the only viable option would be to print those promises. Can you now see the importance of you not spending excess money?

It is your duty to be the last man standing at your post in this war. Abandoning your currency will be considered an act of treason. Saving in anything other than fiat will be considered desertion.

Your country needs you . Your currency needs you. Socialism needs you.


  1. Say I have around 50k in savings. Not a big deal, I know.

    Should I run scared and get myself a bag of leprechaun's gold or just take it easy and herd some more cash first?

  2. 50k is 2 years' rental protection, or 1 year's rental+food protection/insurance for your family - I wouldn't take that lightly.

    The battle between deflation and inflation is an interesting one. I think that we will have mild deflation, until we have hyperinflation (definitely in the USA, not so sure about AU). In deflation cash is king, and in hyperinflation gold is king.

    A prudent strategy would be put your savings into a number of asset classes, rather than just one. I would also consider putting some savings in to physical assets, rather than (someone else's IOU paper) debt.

    That way, you and your family are covered in just about any outcome.
