- If value investing is so good, why doesn't everyone do it?
- And, given that so very few investors, including professional fund managers, use value investing, is it even that good at all?
- What are some of the common criticisms of value investing, and are they valid?
- What is required to implement a value investing successfully?
- How is value investing done badly?
- What is required to be a successful value investor
This is a blog of my thoughts and thinking about value investing. Hopefully, I'll get to answer some of the above questions.
The title "Delusional Investing" comes from the observation that the number of value investors seems so small in comparison to the "main stream" investors, and also from the observation that, as the core investment philosophies are so different, that both schools of thought cannot be right. Spending so much time thinking that nearly everyone else is wrong, and that you are right, leads to thoughts that perhaps your are being delusional. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Regardless, I hope you enjoy the content.