The delusion...

Value Investing

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On gold producing no income or dividends...

What's all this nonsense about gold not paying a dividend?

Firstly, let's compare apples with apples, because it doesn't make sense to compare the dividends received from "cash that is lent out" with the dividends received from "gold that is not lent out".  If, instead, we compare the "not lent out" assets, then neither cash nor gold will pay any dividends.  If you had put both a lump of gold and a suitcase of cash under your bed 50 years ago, neither would have paid out dividends, and the contents under your bed would not have changed - but only one of the two would have preserved its purchasing power.

Now, let's consider the "lent out" scenario.  Obviously, cash would only be lent out for a reason, and that reason would be interest payable on the capital - generally as or including dividends.  As for gold, does anyone really think that gold that is lent out would not be done so under similar, if not identical arrangements, and not pay dividends, or that a greater quantity would not be returned than was lent out. 

If there is anybody that believes this, please lend me your gold at 0%?

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